Management Plans and Pricing

We are the most profitable solution for renting and maintaining real estate in the greater Eugene area. Whether you're taking your first step into the investment world or you're a seasoned property owner aiming to broaden your portfolio, our pricing plans are designed to deliver unparalleled value for best-of-breed management services.

Monthly Rent Standard Investor (5+ units) Tycoon (20+ units) Leasing Fee
Under $1,000 9.0% 7.5% 7.0% 80%
$1,000 - $2,999 8.5% 7.0% 6.5% 70%
$3,000 - $4,999 8.0% 6.5% 6.0% 60%
$5,000 and Above 7.5% 5.0% 4.5% 50%
Lease Only Maintenance Only
100% of One Month's Rent $99 per month
Additional Units: $35 each per month
$20 per work order

Guaranteed Performance

We stand by our commitment to be the best property management company in Oregon. All of our full service property management plans come with the following guarantees:

  • Love Us or Leave Us Guarantee - No lengthy contracts. We earn your business daily.
  • Easy Switch Guarantee - We make it easy to switch management companies.
  • 28 Day Rental Guarantee - We get your place rented quickly or you don’t pay fees!
  • On Time Payment Guarantee - Rent in your account by the 12th of the month.
  • Qualified Resident Guarantee - All residents are thoroughly screened.
  • Stable Tenant Guarantee - No new leasing fee if a tenant fails to stay for 12 months.
  • Pet Damage Guarantee - We pay for up to $2,500 in repairs caused by approved pets.
  • Cost Control Guarantee - Our strict controls keep your budget front and center.
  • No Vendor Mark-Ups Guarantee - You pay our negotiated discounted rates!
  • Results Guarantee - Tenant didn’t pay rent? Vacant property? No management fees
    See our [management guarantees page]() for terms and more detailed information.

Owner Protection Packages

Our owner protection packages are designed to protect you from common risks associated with rental property investments. See our detailed page online for more information.

Rent Assurance Protection Package: $49/mo per unit

  • Rent Advance - Get up to 12 months of rent paid to you in advance
  • Rent Protection - 2 months of rental income protection
  • Legal and Re-Tenanting Expenses - Up to $1,000 covering legal costs of an eviction or other legal action following a tenant’s default on rent

Maintenance Protection Package: $83/mo per unit

  • Minor Repair Protection - Up to 2 hours of handyperson maintenance per month at no additional charge, a $117.50 value!
  • Free Annual Home Condition Reports - We’ll perform this $149 service at no charge!
  • Free Kwikset SmartKey Lock Installation - Free install of up to 4 handles or deadbolts.
  • Free Re-Key of Unit - No charge for key changes during each turnover.
  • Free Utility Management - Any utility management fees are waived!
  • Free Stove Bowl Replacement - We won’t charge you when stove bowls are replaced!
  • Free Light Bulbs - We won’t charge you for common replacement bulbs.
  • Free Smoke Detector Batteries - We won’t charge you for replacement batteries.

Standard Management Fee Definitions and Rates

These fees are commonly charged according to the management plan or as outlined below.

Management Fee

The management fee covers general services provided by Campus Connection Property Management as outlined in the management agreement. Management fees are tiered, based upon unit rent amount and the number of units managed. Using this innovative method, we can provide exceptional service and reasonable rates to every investor.

Leasing Fee

A leasing fee is charged only when a new lease is signed for your property. The leasing fee helps cover costs associated with advertising, showing, screening and signing prospective residents - and we earn it! The leasing process begins within days of receiving notice from a tenant, typically 90 - 180 days before the end of the lease to ensure market leading rental rates along with minimal vacancy. Listing fees are tiered, based upon unit rent amount.

Renewal Fee: $275

Rather than allow residents to go month-to-month, it is in the owner’s best interest to secure a lease renewal. The renewal fee helps cover costs associated with negotiating and securing a signed extension. This is not charged when a tenant does not renew or defaults to a month-to-month agreement after a lease term has expired.

Owner Setup Fee: $245

Setup fees cover the time and cost of adding new owners and their properties to our systems. This is only charged once per ownership entity and is not charged per property.

New Unit Setup Fee: $45 per unit, maximum of $150

Setup fees cover the time and cost of adding new units to our systems. This setup charge only applies when units are added outside of the New Owner Setup process.

Tenant Takeover: $199 per unit

This fee covers the additional cost to onboard units with existing tenants. Extra time is spent collecting existing leases, documenting how they differ from our standard leases, and integrating residents into our software system. We also conduct a full inspection of the property so we may document its current condition upon management takeover.

Technology Fee: $48 per unit, annually

Campus Connection has heavily invested in software systems to improve the experience for our owners and residents. A majority of our software subscriptions charge on a per unit basis and our costs have exponentially increased since COVID. This fee is charged once per year and defrays some of that cost, allowing us to continue investment in your success using platforms such as Appfolio, zInspectior, Absolute Maintenance, Rescover, Aptly, Zapier and more.

Utility Administration Fee: $4.75 per unit per month, $4 if 8+ unit property

This fee is only charged when we must split a utility bill between units or residents. We do not charge when we simply pay utility bills on your behalf or when we ensure utilities stay on between tenants. This covers the additional time required to calculate the proper amounts, bill each resident, and ensure collection of each separate amount.

Property Insurance Compliance: $12 per month

Our property management requires that owners add Campus Connection Property Management as an additional insured on their insurance policy. This fee is only charged to owners who fail to provide documentation demonstrating compliance, and covers the cost and administration of additional liability insurance to close that gap.

Project Management: 12% per project

Campus Connection has the vendor network and experience to manage larger remodel or repair projects. This fee covers the additional time spent planning, overseeing, and managing a project with multiple vendors, from whom Campus Connection typically receives discounted rates. This fee only applies to larger projects beyond typical maintenance or repair that require multiple contractors. We will notify you in writing if a project qualifies for this fee.

Mailed Documentation: $5 per month

Campus Connection has invested heavily in software platforms which give convenient access to statements, inspections, and other information about our managed properties online. In addition, we deliver funds via ACH to ensure prompt payment for owners. This fee covers the time and cost of printing and mailing and is only charged to owners who request paper statements or checks be mailed on a recurring basis.

HUD Oversight Fee: $250 per unit, annually

This fee covers the additional time and expertise required to collect necessary tenant information and build reports for annual HUD compliance reviews.

Optional Services

Landscaping Service: By Bid

Our landscaping team knows how to save investors money! They visit the property twice a month and, unlike other companies, if we only service the yard once, you only pay ½ the monthly price. We aren’t a home and gardens crew - our goal isn’t to make the yard look perfect, rather we properly maintain the unit to ensure a cost effective solution for owners.

Annual Maintenance Services:

  • Sump Pump Checks (Standard hourly rate)
  • Roof & Gutter Cleaning (Prices vary depending on size of roof)
  • Winterization Services (Spigot freeze covers, block foundation vents where appropriate)
  • Appliance Maintenance (Standard hourly rate)
  • Refrigerator / Freezer Coils, Dishwasher Filter, Washing Machine Filter, Dryer Vent Line, Hot Water Heater (drain to remove sediment), Winterization
  • HVAC System Preventative Maintenance (Cost varies from third party vendors)

Property Condition Report: $149 per inspection (NEW OFFERING!)

The management team at Campus Connection does a great job with routine inspections of your property, but property managers are not licensed contractors. For those owners that would like a professional contractor inspection on an annual basis or before a large remodel project, this fee covers the time for a licensed professional to inspect and report on the entire property.